The Top 5 Trivia Questions That Stumped Our 2015 Cruisers

There’s something about our trivia games that brings out the competitive spirit and laughs in everyone.  This year, Steve and his Hitmakers trivia team brought on more of their great challenge questions alongside his vintage video clips for some more blast from the past trivia.  Below were the toughest questions that stumped even our toughest trivia contestants.  See answers below.


  1. What was the original name of the Frisbee? 
  2. What was Disney’s Daisy Duck originally called? 
  3. What was the 1961 hit song spoofing Jimmy Dean’s “Big Bad John”
  4. 1966 saw Motown’s # 1 Pop Album, what was it?  
  5. What Is Smoky Robinson’s First Name?


  1. Pluto Platter
  2. Donna Duck
  3. “Small Sad Sam”
  4. Supremes A-Go Go
  5. William